The Studio of Hoyd Breton makes tools for ambitious friends.


Possible, A Habit Tracker

The Habit Tracker is proven to help get those aspirational habits into your daily flow, one small satisfying roll at a time. Used by hustlers from Singapore to Los Angeles. I initially made it for myself in order to get some dormant habits moving forward and have since produced more for friends and friendly strangers – learn more…


Forecast, A Hanger For Tomorrow’s Outfit

Tools for incremental improvements are my focus. With Forecast, my focus was to improve the morning routine while keeping things in the bedroom as tidy as possible. Two soft edged hooks for shirts and tops and a soft edged rack for bottoms – learn more…


The Studio Output Log

04 The Shelf

White Oak

10" by 10" Top Surface

Beech Floating Tenons Throughout

03 The Mallet

White Oak & Red Hemp Cord

2" by 2" Strike Surface

Mortise and Tenon Joinery

02 The Room Divider

Birch Plywood 3/4" & Birch Plywood 1/4"

48" Wide by 46" Long by 6" Deep

Beech Floating Tenons Throughout

01 Tea Room Seating Kit

Birch Plywood 3/4" and Marble

5 Benches with Removable Modular Mable Tabletop

Beech Floating Tenons Throughout

Interested in a product or working together? Let’s talk about it —